ADEQUATE : Project history
Created by Václav Brodec, last modified on Jun 01, 2017
- March 2016
- preliminary meetings
- introduction of the team members to the problem and needed tools
- discussion about the project scope
- mailing list established
- roles assigned
- consultations with Ziqi Zhang
- preliminary requirements gathering and architecture discussions
- April 2016 - May 2016
- drafting of project proposal
- collecting and analysing project requirements
- internal presentations:
- existing knowledge bases
- AngularJS
- RDF tools and libraries
- internal glossary established
- practising of Git usage
- time-schedule discussions
- trying out the project wiki
- further consultations with Ziqi Zhang
- project management tools chosen
- late May 2016
- overall architecture drafting
- developing usage scenarios and their mock-ups
- project proposal finalized
- preparations for the 1st iteration
- time estimations
- tasks assignment
- project guidelines
- setting-up the environments
- 1st iteration (June 2016 - July 2016)
- re-balancing of responsibilities among the team members
- basic code structure for the UI and server with REST API created
- works on substitution of deprecated Freebase with DBPedia KB
- drafting the approach to data cubes handling
- prototype allowing to upload a file, launch the TableMiner+ algorithm through a web client and display the results, using the REST API created
- 2nd iteration planning
- establishing of user stories too simplify testing and verification of satisfied requirements
- 2nd iteration (July 2016 - August 2016)
- relations support added, including visualisation
- adjustments to file upload dialog
- discussion about the possibility to browse the repositories
- LodLive, LodView analyzed
- draft of export according to the "CSV on the web"
- support for multiple KBs added
- feedback to classification and disambiguations added to the UI, but not taken into account yet by the server
- re-factoring of API to better accommodate feedback process
- 3rd iteration (September 2016 - November 2016)
- extensive bug-fixing of the features introduced in the previous iteration
- feedback integration to the algorithm
- removal of certain annotations as part of the feedback discussed
- 4th iteration planning
- custom concepts provision by the user
- task configuration export and import
- tasks management
- UnifiedViews integration
- remote files access
- statistical data draft finalized
- API error handling
- 4th iteration (November 2016 - December 2016)
- UI re-factoring
- testing on data from the Austrian catalogues
- feedback to relations added
- improving the resource search and introducing custom resource proposal
- 5th iteration (January 2017)
- paging of listings
- URI prefix mapping support added
- configuration import and export solved
- multiple users support and authentication/authorization
- server state persistence
- statistical data export implemented
- 6th iteration (February 2017)
- bugfixing
- UnifiedViews plugin created
- KB proxy performance tweaking
- documentation finalization
- minor UI tweaks
- 7th iteration (April 2017 - May 2017)
- feedback from the project defence incorporated
- runtime knowledge base proxies configuration implemented
- datatype relations omission bug resolved
- multiple subject columns support added
- UI tweaks
- Docker installation option provided
- proxy definitions exports and imports implemented
- logging fixed
- minor bugfixes